East Daley Analytics – Dissecting the Energy Value Chain

Why Subscribe to the Daley Note?

The Daley Note is a simple and convenient way for you to gain an edge in energy markets by leveraging our data and insightful analysis to make better energy market decisions.

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Expert Analysis

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Proprietary Data Sets

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Timely Insights

Other Powerful Tools for Maximizing Your Strategy

We offer multiple data sets, both paid and free, to assist you as you interpret midstream data and make critical decisions.

Natural Gas Weekly

This update highlights what investors and traders need to keep their eye on in the natural gas markets to ensure they are on the right side of the market.


Consulting Services

East Daley’s consulting service is a unique data and analytics service that leverages its in-house integrated commodity and financial data and modeling capabilities.

Talk To A Consultant
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Who is The Daley Note designed for?

The Daley Note is designed for industry professionals and clients in the oil and gas sector who are interested in staying updated on North American midstream market trends and developments. It caters to individuals seeking timely and valuable insights to inform their decision-making.

How often will I receive The Daley Note?

You can expect to receive a fresh edition each morning, Tuesday through Friday, ensuring you have the latest information to start your day.

How much does The Daley Note subscription cost?

The current day's edition of The Daley Note is complementary to industry professionals and clients. East Daley Analytics believes in sharing valuable insights to benefit the industry. However, there are other premium subscription options available for more comprehensive access and additional features such as the Energy Data Studio, Crude, Natural Gas, Natural Gas Liquids.

Can I unsubscribe from The Daley Note?

Yes, you can unsubscribe from The Daley Note at any time. Each email you receive will include an option to unsubscribe. If you choose to do so, you will no longer receive daily updates from The Daley Note.

How can I contact The Daley Note support team?

For any questions, feedback, or support inquiries regarding The Daley Note, you can reach out to our dedicated support team by sending us a message via our contact page. We will be happy to assist you with any concerns or queries you may have.

Elevate Your Insights with The Daley Note from East Daley Analytics.


