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Transco Project Could Open Marcellus Takeaway

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The Daley Note: January 19, 2023

Williams (WMB) received approval from federal regulators to build the Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE). The expansion of the company’s Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line (Transco) will add takeaway for Appalachian producers to the mid-Atlantic region and create a rare opportunity for growth out of the constrained basin.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted approval last Wednesday (Jan. 11) to Transco’s  application for a permit. The REAE project would loop a segment of the Transco system in Monroe County, PA with 42-inch pipe and add a 22-mile lateral in Luzerne County, PA connecting to Marcellus shale producers in northeastern Pennsylvania. Transco also plans to modernize existing compressors and meter stations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and add a new electric-driven compressor in Gloucester, NJ. 

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Transco aims to begin service on the REAE project prior to the winter of 2024. It will provide ~830 MMcf/d of firm service from the Northeast-PA producing region to multiple delivery locations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland. The REAE project is fully contracted by eight shippers including regional utilities and WMB’s Williams Energy Resources subsidiary (see table).
FERC approval is no guarantee of project success in the Northeast, as demonstrated by the long-delayed Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). But the REAE project has some advantages going for it. WMB has planned the project along existing rights-of-way, and pipeline construction would be relatively modest at only 36 miles of new pipe. WMB said the compressor upgrades also will benefit system reliability and lower regional emissions.

Management has said previously it expects the pipeline expansion to fill quickly. In our Blueprint Financial Model for WMB, East Daley estimates the REAE project will begin service in 4Q24 and add ~$124 million in annual EBITDA by 2025. Another planned Transco expansion, the Southside Reliability Enhancement project, is due to come online around the same time frame. That project will bring Appalachian gas further south to North Carolina and create more market access for Northeast producers. We will keep an eye out for any FERC filings as these projects make progress. – Alex Gafford Tickers: WMB.

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East Daley’s NGL Network Model and NGL Purity Product Forecast help users dig deeper than EIA data to connect the dots between NGL supply and demand. We monitor basin and sub-basin NGL production, ethane rejection, and frac utilization each month. We use monthly NGL data from EIA and East Daley’s own basin-level supply forecasts of Y-grade and NGL purity products. Follow key NGL data trends, including NGL production by basin, ethane recovery by basin, supply forecasts by NGL purity product, and regional NGL exports  Contact East Daley for more information on the NGL Network Model and NGL Purity Product Forecast.

Arbo + East Daley Webinar - January 31st at 11:30 AM MST
Join Arbo and East Daley for an in-depth discussion on gas pipeline rate cases and the impact of rate risk on transporters, their shippers, and their investors. Register here.

30th Anniversary NAPE Summit

 East Daley Analytics is excited to be attending, presenting, and hosting a booth at the 30th Anniversary NAPE Summit February  1st - 3rd in Houston. Schedule a meeting with us from January 31st - February 2nd, and come see us at Booth #3034! 

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