The Daley Note

Matador Takes Permian Midstream by the Horns

Written by East Daley Analytics | Aug 9, 2023 11:08:03 PM

The Daley Note: August 10, 2023

In its 2Q23 earnings update, Permian producer Matador Resources (MTDR) bumped up its guidance for 2023 production from the Delaware sub-basin and announced plans to add a 200 MMcf/d gas processing plant in Lea County, NM for flow assurance.

Matador’s new gas production guidance results in 18% gas growth Y-o-Y. Of course, this growth includes the purchase of Advance Energy Partners, which closed in April 2023. East Daley estimates the organic growth rate (excluding the impact of acquired volumes) is closer to 8.5%.

This growth rate combined with the Advance Energy acquisition gives Matador enough confidence to expand gathering and processing capacity in northern Lea County by 200 MMcf/d. Matador already owns the 60 MMcf/d Pronto processing plant it acquired from Summit Midstream (SMLP) in June 2022. Producers on the Pronto system (formerly known as the Lane plant) include ExxonMobil (XOM), Mewbourne Oil, and Matador. The new plant will support MTDR and the acreage acquired with Advance Energy in northern Lea County.

East Daley has highlighted Matador’s moves to build a midstream presence in West Texas and New Mexico. Based on EDA’s system-level forecast for the Matador - Pronto system in Energy Data Studio , we expect producer volumes to eclipse Pronto plant capacity by 4Q26. Our forecast assumes 2 active rigs on average. Recently, we have only seen a lone Mewbourne rig feeding the Matador system, but volumes processed and shipped down Double E Pipeline have ticked up as indicated by the blue line (Flow Sample) in the graph.

Most of Matador’s 7 active rigs in the Delaware are on the San Mateo G&P system, a joint venture with Five Point Energy in Eddy County. As shown in East Daley’s Energy Data Studio, that system is set for rapid growth as well, and likely has some rig attrition risk given MTDR’s plans to focus on the northern Lea acreage acquired from Advance. – Rob Wilson, CFA



Upcoming Webinar: Organically Grown: The Shifting Landscape For Growth in the Midstream Sector

August 16, 2023 | 10 AM MT | Online Webinar

Understanding how the commodity markets are influencing the business risk of the assets midstream companies own is a core component of the East Daley process and key to understanding how the market will evolve.  This webinar will focus on reviewing the Base Business Risk Indicator (formerly the Treadmill) a key East Daley analysis that ties fundamental commodity analysis to the commercial outcomes of assets across the gas, oil, and NGL sectors.  We will review where commodity markets are headed and which assets are capturing value, which is losing value, and pontificate on what could change. 

Energy Data Studio

East Daley Analytics has launched Energy Data Studio, a platform for our industry-leading midstream data and commodity production forecasts. All clients have access to the new client portal. If you have not yet logged in, please fill out the form to request a registration email be resent.

Energy Data Studio leverages our G&P data set for insights into midstream assets across every major oil and gas basin in North America. Users can navigate detailed visual dashboards by region, pipeline, or individual asset to understand crude oil, natural gas and NGL supply at the most granular level.

Energy Data Studio is available through data downloads from the visual interface, in Excel files, or as a direct feed delivered into subscribers’ workflow via secure file transfer. To learn more about Energy Data Studio, please contact

Review the Year Ahead in Dirty Little Secrets

The 2023 Dirty Little Secrets is Now Available! Is Midstream on the cusp of another infrastructure wave? Find out in our new annual report.

Dirty Little Secrets reviews the outlook for Midstream and commodity markets in 2023 and the years ahead. East Daley discusses the outlook for crude oil, natural gas and NGLs and the impacts to midstream assets in our 2023 Dirty Little Secrets annual market report. Click here for a copy of the 2023 Dirty Little Secrets report.

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