East Daley Analytics – Dissecting the Energy Value Chain
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Jack Weixel

east daley analytics

Jack Weixel is a Senior Director with East Daley Analytics and plays a key role in product development and client support focused on the natural gas, crude oil and NGL markets. He has over 20 years of experience in the energy industry spanning regulatory, legislative and market-centric roles and initiatives with companies deeply embedded in the industry.   


Maria sanchez

IIR Energy

Maria Sanchez is a Natural Gas Product Manager and Senior Analyst for IIR Energy. With over 15 years of experience in market fundamentals analysis, she excels in evaluating supply and demand dynamics, identifying risk factors, and forecasting prices. 

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About East Daley

We know that you don’t always have the time to research assets, monitor your competition, and conduct due diligence. East Daley Analytics is specialized in identifying, understanding, and monitoring operational risk at the asset-level and how that translates to financial risk. We have built the largest U.S. energy asset database to cash flow to help identify which assets are most important and isolate their operational value. We can help with the heavy lifting by providing access to capital and commodity market experts through both subscription and advisory services.


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ABout IIR Energy

For comprehensive and accurate data to model natural gas production and consumption, look no further than IIR Energy's NatGas Market Intelligence Suite. Our data enables precise natural gas modeling by capturing metered information from over 190 pipelines and innovatively linking gas molecules to specific facilities, such as power generation or industrial plants. IIR Energy also provides detailed aggregated information on production, storage, power burn, residential/commercial and industrial consumption, LNG feed gas, and North American flows. This trusted benchmark empowers you to elevate your insights. IIR Energy empowers you to level up your natural gas market understanding.


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