East Daley Analytics – Dissecting the Energy Value Chain

Bakken-Guernsey-DJ Crude Oil Supply and Demand Reports


Get granular insights into basins and hubs across the Bakken-Guernsey-DJ region delivered to your inbox monthly with straightforward, no-nonsense analyst commentary on rig counts, pipeline utilization, flows, and demand, including forecasted vs. actual comparisons, for better risk management and more cost-efficient investments.

S&D Report - Guernsey


S&D Report - Actual


S&D Report - Guernsey


S&D Report - Rig Count

Up-to-Date Rig Count vs Forecast

Proactively adjust your operational strategies throughout hubs and basins based on forecasted vs. actual changes in supply and demand.

Pipeline Utilization, Flows, and Demand

Drill down into pipeline egress, effective capacity and utilization, price, and demand across each crude pipeline through the Bakken-Guernsey-DJ region.

Included Pipelines:

  • Enbridge ND Pipeline

  • Dakota Access Pipeline

  • Double H Pipeline

  • Bridger Pipeline

  • Plains Bakken North Pipeline

  • Enbridge Bakken Pipeline

  • Cushing/Wood River Pipeline

  • White Cliffs Pipeline

  • Grand Mesa Pipeline

  • Pony Express Pipeline

  • Saddlehorn Pipeline


Supply and Demand Data Files


You should always be able to know where the insights and forecasts driving your strategic decision-making in the crude market are coming from. East Daley Analytics lets you see how the sausage gets made with the raw data behind our monthly crude oil supply and demand reports, broken down by pipeline, by month.

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Interactive Crude Oil Production Models


Refine your crude oil forecasting with a flexible, interactive tool based on our supply and demand reports and data sets. Our interactive crude oil production models help you check your assumptions against real data for:

  • IP Rates for Gas and Oil
  • Drill Times
  • Downtime
  • LNG Production
  • Rig Counts
  • Wells Drilled
  • Gas Production
Inter Prod Model  1
Inter Prod Model 2
Inter Prod Model  3
Inter Prod Model 4

Energy Data Studio™


Filter data your way, control what you see, and drill down to granular sub-basin-level crude oil outlooks with East Daley Analytics’ game-changing asset-level allocation model. Energy Data Studio™ puts all of East Daley’s crude market products at your fingertips like never before, with a user-friendly, dynamic visual interface you can customize to drill down into the most relevant basins and sub-basins to your strategic operations and investments.

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EDS Crude Oil  2

Reconciled FERC Form 6 Data

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Easily Access all your benefits in one place

EDS Crude Oil  3

Interactive Production Models

EDS Inter Prod Model

What can you do with Energy Data Studio™?

  • Integrate crude forecasts into a balanced hub-to-hub crude pipeline network model with our Crude Hub Model
  • Cross-correlate expectations on crude with potential constraints from other commodities
  • Provide historical and forecasted crude production and rig counts by basin and sub-basin
  • Leverage a basin-level view of crude oil flow through markets and hubs
  • Track pipeline flows across North America, highlighting egress opportunities and constraints
  • Monitor the flow of crude oil into USGC export facilities and refineries

Reconciled FERC Form 6 Data


Download and explore current and archival data from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s quarterly and annual reports on the financial and operational performance of major interstate crude pipelines across the Bakken-Guernsey-DJ region. Vastly expand your insights into asset financial performance with non-GAAP financial metrics that empower you to see and seize new opportunities in the regional crude market before your competition.


Free Weekly Crude Oil Newsletter


With a subscription to Crude Oil Edge, you get weekly updates on the US crude market delivered straight to your inbox for free—including the basin and sub-basin dynamics of crude oil flows, infrastructure, and storage across North America. Get an edge over the competition for free with clear insights into crude oil flows, production growth and import/export characteristics across the Bakken-Guernsey-DJ region.

Contact Us

Questions about East Daley Analytics’ crude oil supply and demand products and tools? Reach out to our team:
Gage Dwan 400

Gage Dwan

Email: gdwan@eastdaley.com
Kristy Oleszek headshot

Kristy Oleszek

Email: koleszek@eastdaley.com