East Daley Analytics – Dissecting the Energy Value Chain
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Bakken - Guernsey - DJ Crude Oil Supply & Demand

The Bakken - Guernsey - DJ Crude Oil Supply and Demand covers production, infrastructure and downstream demand through:

  • Price Spreads: Bakken to UHC and Bakken to Guernsey
  • FERC Form 6 Data
  • Supply & Demand Balance
  • Tariffs: view rates across pipes to different markets all in one place
  • Pipeline Capacity: view actuals on pipes
  • Historical and Forecasted Data

Learn More About Bakken - Guernsey - DJ Crude Oil S&D

Stay Ahead of The Market

The monthly report and data set covers the Rockies Region to include: the Bakken, Guernsey and the Denver Julesburg basin.

- Consolidate incoming and outgoing data in one place, detailing where it goes and why

- Using East Daley's production models and historical data to create a forecast


tariffs crude


  • Comprehensive Data Aggregation: Consolidates all incoming and outgoing information in one centralized location, providing detailed insights on where and why movements occur.
  • Advanced Forecasting: Utilizes historical data and our proprietary supply production model to accurately forecast future trends.
  • Crude Oil Supply and Demand Balance: Analyzes and balances crude oil supply and demand specifically in the Bakken, Guernsey, and DJ regions.
  • Integrated Market Rates: Displays rates across various pipelines to different markets, all in one easy-to-access platform.
  • Rockies Region Insights: Provides real-time visibility of actual pipeline flows within the Rockies region for enhanced decision-making.

Enhance your strategic planning and operational efficiency with our all-in-one solution.

Learn More About Bakken - Guernsey - DJ Crude Oil S&D
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  • Corpus Christi Crude Oil S&D
  • Houston Crude Oil S&D
  • Nederland Crude Oil S&D
  • Eagle Ford Crude Oil S&D

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